
Alien: Covenant
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 May 2017Alien: Covenant is definitely a better effort than Prometheus, but it's still far from matching the standard of the original films. FULL STORY >

Trailers you have missed this past weekend (10-12 March)
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 March 2017A number of exciting new trailers dropped this past weekend. Here are some you may have missed. FULL STORY >

Four minutes of Prologue footage surfaces for Alien: Covenant
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 February 2017Set to hit cinemas in May, a new piece of footage from Alien: Covenant seems to channel the vibes of the 1979 original. FULL STORY >

First poster for Alien: Covenant surfaces as release date gets pushed back
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 November 2016With release of the next chapter in the Alien franchise delayed by three months, producers unveil the film's first poster to whet the appetite. FULL STORY >

Ridley Scott confirms Alien prequel trilogy with Alien: Covenant the first
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 November 2015Originally thought to be a sequel to Prometheus, now director Ridley Scott confirms that Alien: Covenant will in fact kick off a new Alien trilogy of prequel films. FULL STORY >
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